2013年10月15日 星期二

Android Development Environment building

There are two way to building development environment
Option 1. using Android Studio 
               But I don't use that way to running my program
so  ,Let's keep read on
Option 2. using Eclipse + Android SDK Bundle + JDK + Genymotion  1.3.0
there has the SDK intall detail that you need
you also need  Genymobile Plug-In. more detail...

Name: Genymobile
Location: http://plugins.genymotion.com/eclipse

there is the List that we need
    SDK Tools
    SDK platform
    SDK Build-Tools(If you don't select it , that you'll missing file 'R.java' )
    Genymotion Plug-In
Android 4.3(Optional, Depend on what kind of version that you need )

Now I can coding , Have Fun

